2018 Netflix Titles
The goal of this project is to suggest other streaming content to the viewer based on the current title. The data I will be exploring was collected from Flixable they are a third-party Netflix search engine (2). It contains movies and TV shows that are available on Netflix as of 2019.
The method I used to recommend new content was Cosine Similarity. It preformed well when tested using different titles.
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There was a time when finding a TV show or movie to watch was not easily found. You would have to wait it to air and then record it. Nowadays there is a substantial amount of streaming content at our fingertips. One of the first and still main platforms to view content is on Netflix. Netflix, Inc. was founded in Scotts Valley, California by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in 1997 (3). In the beginning it provided DVD sales and rental through mail. By 2007 it had grown into one of the main online streaming subscription companies (3). It is now available worldwide except China (3). In 2013 Netflix has started to create its own production content including House of Cards (3). A report was released in 2018 that showed the number of TV shows on Netflix has almost tripled since 2010, however, movies have decreased by more than 2,000. Movies and TV shows available on Netflix (1). The goal of this project is to suggest other streaming content to the viewer based on the current title. The data I will be exploring was collected from Flixable they are a third-party Netflix search engine (2). It contains movies and TV shows that are available on Netflix as of 2019. The method I used to recommend new content was Cosine Similarity. It preformed well when tested using different titles. For example, when using ‘Breaking Bad’ it returned ‘Better Call Saul’ which is a spin-off of ‘Breaking Bad’. Also, when using ‘Transformers Prime’ it did return the other available Transformer Movies.
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April Meyer - swim53185@gmail.com
Project Link: https://github.com/AMeyer89/2018NetflixTitles