Fantasy Football Analysis
Fantasy Football Analysis
An analysis on a free data set from that has 2019 data on all players that played that year.
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For this case study I picked Fantasy Football Analysis. I selected this topic because this is my first time participating in a fantasy football league, so I thought it would be helpful to understand all the different analysis in my ESPN fantasy app. Specifically, I would like to understand how the players’ projections are created. I have learned a lot through out this whole project. Seeing all the steps put together helped me understand the complete process of using models and there are many steps. For part one I reviewed my data through for Graph Analysis. Some key steps for this was checking dimensions, variables types, summary statistics, and correlations. After understanding the variable better feature selection and extraction was next. This included selection by removing positions that are not equal to Quarterback, widereceiver, tight end, and running back. Feature Extraction by creating Fantasy Points per Game, Usage per Game, and efficiency (TD/usage) features. For part three I used the LinearRegression model from sklearn.linear_model. My feature matrix consists of Usage/GM and Efficiency (TD/Usage). My target was Fantasy Points (FantasyPoints/GM). I used the train_test_split function to split the data. I set it to train 80% of the data and test it with the remaining 20%. The mean absolute error was 2.73 which means that on average the model was off by roughly 3 fantasy points per game. The model with the lowest absolute error was SVM of 2.36
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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
April Meyer -
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